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What is the advantage of putting a clan up for bid on my turn?

The player who puts a clan up for bid will receive the influence value of the clan, 2, added to their bid. Then, once the clan is won, they will receive 1 passive influence on all future bids.

If the deck runs out of cards, what do we do?

Shuffle the discard pile into a new deck and proceed to draw from that new pile.

If I play a card with a target, do I have to declare the target before or after people have the chance to counter?

Before. You must declare a target at the time you play the card.

Can I bid more than one clan at a time?

No. While you can bid more than one clan in a turn, you may only put one clan up for bid at a time.

When shifting allegiances is played, are the cards from the player’s hands exchanged simultaneously or one at a time?

Both are exchanged at the same time.

Can I still play a shifting allegiance if I can’t give the number of cards that would be required (ex: The player I am exchanging clans with has 3 clans but I have only 1 card in my hand)?

Yes. You give cards up to the amount you are able. So you would give the player your one remaining card.

If I play Conquest and my opponent has two human clans in play, do I get both of a clan type or just one of them?

Conquest targets a single clan card, so you would be able to target just one of the two humans.

What does "Take control" mean?

During your turn, on one of your action phases, you can play conquest and take a clan that is on your opponents board (they have control of it in play) and add it to your board instead. The player gaining the clan has to give the player losing a clan a card at random.

If I am the player who put a clan up for bid, but another player wins the bid, can I play sabotage on that clan card?

Yes! Everyone has a chance to respond to the “winning the bid” event.

Can I play a second Sabotage if they pay the cost for the first one?

No. There exists only one phase where sabotage can be played and once the first cost is paid or not paid, that phase has passed.

Can I pay more than the 3 cost for a sabotage, with for instance two 2 influence cards?

No. The cost must be 3 influence exactly, and can be paid with any combination of cards that would add to exactly 3.

If I bid a sabotage, do I get it back if another player wins and then am I able to play it?

Yes. The phase in which sabotage can be played is after a player has “won” the bid, thus all players either return their cards or spend them if that player is the winner player, but before the player has gained “control” of the clan.

When I play sabotage, does “in response to a player winning a bid” mean after that player has spent their cards to win the clan?

Yes. After a player has won their bid, they immediately place all cards used for their winning bid in the discard pile. A player may then use Sabotage.

I just won my fourth clan in a bid and now a player is trying to play sabotage, haven't I already won the game?

No. There exists a phase between when a player “wins” a clan, which signifies costs must be paid for the clan, and when you gain “control” of the clan. Sabotage can be played after a player has won the clan but before they gain “control” and would be able to trigger their win condition.

Can I play a Peace on a Sabotage or Tactical Reversal?

No. Peace can only respond to a card being played as an action.

In a three player game, if player A plays Thievery on Player C, and I, Player B, play Tactical Reversal on it, can Player C respond or counter?

No, they can not. Starting the player to the left, any action card gives each player the chance to respond or counter. Once they do so, this ends the phase. This order is irrespective of targets.

If I play Arcane Insight and I had a hand of 8 cards before I played it, do I get to choose what to keep or discard when I draw two?

No. You would be able to draw one card, essentially replacing the Arcane Insight, and then would no longer be able to draw as you would be at max hand size.

When I play Change of Fate, do I have to declare how many cards I am discarding before players have a chance to counter or respond?

No, you do not have to declare. You play Change of Fate, and if it resolves, you would then proceed to use the effect.

If I am the Nara, Master of Arms role card, and I have Savin, The Endless in play and I win a clan, can I destroy any clan?

No. While Savin, The Endless can serve as any clan, it is still Savin, The Endless and thus not a matching clan to trigger Nara.

Negotiations has no text? What does that mean?

Negotiations can only be played as influence. As such, it is used during your bidding phase and is worth 8 influence.

Does Desolate take ALL clan cards of a race (I.e three orcs), or just 1 of the three?

Desolate just targets one clan (not all of a type)

If I use reinforcements and lose the bid, do I get those extra cards back in my hand?

Yes. Reinforcements, once it is flipped and gives you two cards for your bid, is treated just like any of your other bid cards.

If two players reveal reinforcements, in what order do the effects resolve?

Resolution would start with the active player’s turn and continue clockwise.

If a player reveals a reinforcements, and another player has the Kala role card, do the new cards from the top of the deck get added before or after Kala’s affect allowing 1 additional card to be added?

The Kala role card affect would take place after the new cards are revealed from reinforcements.

Does Savin, The Endless add 1 passive influence or 2 because it adds one but is also a clan type?

Savin, The Endless adds 1 passive influence to your bid.

If I am the Nara, Master of Arms role card, and I have Savin, The Endless in play and I win a clan, can I destroy any clan?

No. While Savin, The Endless can serve as any clan, it is still Savin, The Endless and thus not a matching clan to trigger Nara.

How does Nara, Master of Arm’s ability work with Sabotage? Say it’s my turn, I lose the bid but then play sabotage and gain control of the clan, would that trigger the ability?

No, it would not. In this case, you did not acquire the clan through bidding.

Can I use Iverion, Keeper of Secret’s ability to discard clan cards that are in play?

No. This ability requires you to discard 2 matching cards from your hand.

Can Iveron, Keeper of Secret’s ability be countered by peace since it is an action?

No. Peace counters an action card and while Iverion’s ability is played as an action, it is not an action card.

Can I use Iverion, Keeper of Secrets ability as many times as I want? And can I use the new cards I draw to trigger it again.

No, this ability takes place at the end of a phase, and can only be used once per turn.

Can I use Kara, Speaker of beast’s ability as many times as I want during my bid phase if I put up multiple clans?

Yes. Each separate bidding phase this ability can be used a single time.